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30 day chart

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The New Look of the Rock Church
The Rock Church
(click above for more pictures)

The Rock Church – Elk Grove

Chris Lombardo
A7 Staff Writer

Have you seen them yet? They are AWESOME! Not just ONE but TWO 60 foot tall mature palm trees adorn the Main Entrance of the Rock Church Sacramento – Elk Grove, CA. If these historical trees could speak, they would tell stories of travelers moving on toward their individual destinations.

These giant trees were gifts from Bro. Bob and Sis Jo Ann Bertram from their property on Stockton Boulevard in South Sacramento. A little over 20 years ago, Bishop Wilson spotted a property with these two large palm trees on it. He mentioned to Bro Bertram to “buy the land”. It was a motel duly named “Twin Palms Motel”. Bro Bertram took the advice of his pastor and purchased the property.
Many blessings and a lot “great stories” have come from this purchase as the Bertram family raised their family as well as others. Now the time has come… 20 plus years later, the very objects that caught the attention of Rev. Dr. Nathaniel J. Wilson, at that time, will now stand strong and tall like sentries on the watch… settled and established once again recording memories of travelers… now on their final destination.

Becky Salters Sings Her Testimony
Originally uploaded by TRC-Photos.

What you see here is a miracle on the platform. Surrounded by her Sister, Mother, Aunt, Cousins, niece, and close friend, Sister Becky Salters sings about getting back up and living even when the she was within minutes of death … leaving the doctors amazed and pondering of this miracle. Almost 2 years ago, Sis Salters had a kidney transplant and her perfect donor match was her husband Doug. Six months later, she would have a pancreas transplant due to her struggle from diabetes. After a long and bumpy road of recovery, Sister Becky back on the platform of the Rock Church in Sacramento…”finding peace in the midst of her storm!”

Watch The Video

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Bro Ryan Caputo
Bro Ryan Caputo


The Rock Church News
Sacramento, CA

A7 Staff

Each one of us has our own story to tell. We have come from all walks of life. Each family has some sort of “dysfunction” in it’s own way. Each step we take marks another print in time that records either an impression of progression or recession. In Sunday nights message at the Rock Church of Sacramento, CA, Bishop Curtis Young preached a message of hope and encouragement. We have lived with a master that has led us to believe that we were in control our own destiny with our talents and abilities… only to be left in a valley hurting, sick, disoriented, and dying. We were found by the King’s search party and brought before a “NEW MASTER” that clothed us, fed us, and nurtured us back to health. We changed masters… and we are so very glad that we did. With tesimonies from Brothers Pat Hart, John Allen, Ryan Caputo, and Miguel Gallegos, Bishop Curtis Young helps us to remember where we came from and allows us to appreciate, once again, our New Master that welcomes us with open arms.

Click Here for Video

1. Bro Pat Hart EX-Crankster (METHAMPHETAMINE)
2. Bro. John Allen EX-Drug Addict
3. Bro Ryan Caputo EX-Alcoholic
4. Bro Miguel Gallegos EX-Gang-Banger

The Man Who Changed Masters

Download the MP3 and Share it with your Friend!

The Rock Church Photos

October 28, 2005

The Rock Church Live

Generated by Flickr Album Maker

Click here to see VIDEO

I Lift Up Your Holy Name

October 25, 2005

Click Pause to Load Video

Sis Emily King – Bro James Wilder
Director – Tishauna Jones

by Darren Bocksnick A7 Staff Writer
It has been said the church is the Body of Christ, God’s physical representation of Himself here on earth. That being said, we are the eyes of God, envisioning the fields of souls that are ripe already unto harvest. As the body of Christ, we are also the voice of God, proclaiming his power and praises throughout the land. The church is God’s feet, shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace to take His saving message to the masses. As equally important, we, the people of God as His representative body here on earth- are also God’s hands to extend a touch of compassion to the hurting and hungry.
There was no truer example of God’s hands in action that that of the ministry of our Deaf Ministry Pastor, Curtis Noland. He literally was the hand of God declaring and delivering God’s word through sign language- physically and heavenly signs- miraculously. As the precious people of God “came together” to uplift Him with high, heartfelt praises, He outpoured his blessings with the manifestation of the Holy Ghost and an overflowing of renewed anointing and refreshing.
Charles Bowman, a deaf man, was a recipient of God’s hand in action and His love in motion. He was born of the water and the Spirit at the Iowa Deaf Conference on September 10, 2005, while Bro. Curtis Noland was preaching! Charles spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance.
God’s people gathered, God’s man ministered and the Spirit empowered them with His presence. Though they came together as individual members, they all left as one body- fitly framed in the love of God and a formidable force in the faith- NOT to be reckoned with.

Deaf Ministry Pastor Curtis Noland

There is a tremendous wave of the Holy Ghost moving in Portland, Oregon. A fountainhead of apostolic revival in decades past, the Great Northwest is presently embracing renewed vitality and vision for the future.
We are extremely thankful for the privilege afforded us to labor together with wonderful pastors and saints of God in the greater Portland metro region. The Oregon District of the UPCI, following the lead of Reverend Gary Gleason who is our District Superintendent, has kindly received the Mallory family with true Christian kindness and love. On Friday, October 19, our newly remodeled and expanded church, was filled to capacity with local saints and ministers from everywhere in the metro area. The occasion was the official installation of the Mallory’s to the pastorate of Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle in Tigard, Oregon. We were tremendously blessed with incredibly anointed and powerful musicians and singers from the Rock Church in Sacramento, California, who were instrumental in ushering in a powerful move of the Holy Ghost at the outset of the service.
New Hope, anchored by the explosive Reverend Myles Young, was an unexpected surprise, as were the attendance of the entire Wilson family (with the notable exception of Doug Salters, and I thought we were friends). Bishop Nathaniel J. Wilson, also hailing from Sacramento, delivered the message “Follow The Man” with his trademark insight, vigor, and authority. It was necessary preaching, and blessed everyone present.
Reverend Gary Gleason concluded the service with a pointed and poignant charge to the new pastor, punctuated by concerted blessings and prayers by both the ministry present and the local members of Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle.
God wrought a sovereign work that night. We remain the afterglow of that service today. We offer our most sincere and heartfelt thanks to those in The Rock church who are actively impacting the Portland area with prayers, talents, and finances. The Rock Church continues to generously support the Mallory family on an ongoing basis. We love you like family, and we’re glad you are there to provide strength, encouragement, and support as God continues to pour out his Spirit here in the Great Northwest. — Pastor Gerry and Jenny Mallory

The Rock Church
Elk Grove Sacramento, CA


Darren Bocksnick

A7 Staff Writer

The grace of God is truly amazing as Sis. Young so adequately conveyed in her anointed singing. Of all of God’s countless attributes; hence, His omnipotence, His omniscience, and His omnipresence to name a few- perhaps no other can compare to that of God’s grace. You see, many of God’s attributes describe His universal greatness and His all encompassing power and majesty. God’s grace, however, describes Him in an altogether, different perspective. The grace of God is God personalized. The grace of God is His very own “close encounter” with the likes of you and I. To think that one who is higher than the heavens would stoop lower than the dust of the earth to consider and be mindful of us is a true picture of His tender and personable side. To some, God is an impersonal, intangible and an unapproachable diety, aloof in nature and unconcerned at heart. But to those who have experienced His grace first hand, He is truly amazing and altogether lovely. It’s not because He is the “high and lofty one who inhabits eternity” but it’s because He humbled himself, made Himself known and allowed us to draw near in a very personal and intimate way. Thus, the song, the message, and the voice of those who have experienced the personalized, approachable one can sing: “it’s for you, and you and you and you…”

Sis Sheila Young